Well after spending 6 - 7 weeks in the UK sorting various bits of paperwork (import clearances, insurance etc..) and waiting for the bike to make its way across the Pacific I am finally off on the next leg in Canada.
Flew via Amsterdam to Vancouver. On the flight was the Czech ringette team (Yes I didn't know what that was either. Apparently its a winter sport developed in Canada for women which is similar to ice hockey but in theory non contact and played with straight sticks and a ring as a puck).
The flight into Vancouver was stunning with the Rockies looking amazing. It's a shame I wasn't going ski-ing given the snow capped mountains, but perhaps I might try to make a detour to Lake Tahoe on the way down the west coast to see what's possible.
The weather was gloriously sunny and the bloke next to me on the tube/skyrail into the city centre said "I bet you wish you were riding your bike!" Turns out he has a Moto Guzzi California and he wished me well on my travels. Super friendly people and a great start to the trip.
Today has been sorting out customs clearances which is now all done. Hopefully I can actually pick up the bike and start going soon. (After I have arranged a service and the replacement of both tyres which are on their last legs after the long drag across the trans-siberian).
Can't wait...

(A view of Vancouver Island from the City - it's a beautiful place)
Safe journey forward
Sounds like a great start to the trip! Are you going to try ringette before setting off?