After pretty much perpetual rain in Wroclaw, I headed off to Krakow in the wet. Things gradually dried up on the way and I arrived in Krakow in relative sunshine. The old town in Wroclaw is nice, but Krakow is something else. It is well worth a visit if you have a long weekend available.
Wroclaw selling point appears to be lots of 30cm high bronze dwarfs dotted about the city. I was having lunch and lots of families were coming to take pictures of the dwarf next to my table (a scooter riding, chianti swilling dwarf - check out the pictures!). I think there are 30 or 40 of them.
I took some pictures, but lets be honest the professional ones are always the best.
After a few days relaxing it was time to thump up the middle of Poland to get to the Baltics. Glorious sunshine for once which made for easy riding. So currently relaxing in a hotel / micro brewery in Poland, ready to head off to Vilnius.
On the more practical side, a few phone calls to the insurance broker to chase up my renewal and also to ask whether they do green card cover for Russia ended up confirming no cover is available. Therefore the key task for the next week will be to fine somewhere to sell me KACKO insurance (Russian 3rd party cover). Since I speak no Russian, Latvian, Estonian or Lithuanian then I hope google translate does the business, otherwise I will be stuck at the border.
