The journey in Russia started off with Autumn colours from the silver birch trees that lined the roads. As I moved further south, this retreated to the usual green, but now as I head east the autumn colours have returned. The deeper into Siberia I go the more I see pine trees dotting the landscape with grass lands starting to become more common.
As you ride along the road there are many locals selling produce. At the start it was apples, then smoked fish, honey for a while and more recently potatoes. However today was a new one... taxidermy bears! The local hunters shoot the bears, fashion hats, scarves, gloves out of the skins and also mount the heads on plaques - all which can be purchased at the road side! I have no space for these trophies.
Anyway I am now roughly half way through the trans-Siberian route - Kemerovo, staying in a pilgrims hotel next to the Othodox cathedral. After a an couple of hours of chain cleaning and tensioning (it involves removing the mufflers so a complete pain) I headed out for some food and drink. An evening of ribs in a local boozer then I headed back - unfortunately too late as the Cathedral grounds gates had been locked and I couldn't get to my hotel! Managed to find a small ditch under the fence to scramble under and then walked casually past the soldier near the hotels front it cool!
Anyway I have been sorting my plans for the shipping of my motorcycle, which means I have to get to Vladivostok as fast as I can to meet a rapidly filling up container (fast being about 9 days!). No more rest days and time for early starts.

Kemerovo Cathedral.
Sounds like an brilliant trip, Ed. I could totally see you in a bear hat. Safe travels!